As the creators we innately are, we are often under the perception that we need to be doing and taking action in order for our lives to become what we envision. Trying to control and guide people, situations, and scenarios to reflect the image in our minds, of how we believe things should play out. The hard truth is that none of us have any real control outside of our personal, internal state of being. I have received most of my inspiration for this way of being from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. We can also see this lesson by watching the way of water, which always seeks the path of least resistance and yet is the most powerful force on earth.
Surrendering to the flow takes an incredible amount of trust. The kind of trust that usually takes a fair amount of repetition and practice. I'm in no way suggesting that we all just sit around, meditate about what we want and pray that all the castles in the sky we imagine, simply fall into our laps haha. I am, however, suggesting that we put more stock into the unseen universal, divine fabric and practice less forcing.
Recently, I learned the 80/20 rule of manifestation, which states that we should be putting 80% of our "work" or "effort" into our internal world with intention, meditation, growth, expansion and coming into alignment with our highest most authentic selves to find wholeness, peace, fulfillment and love in life. Then, from that place, when we feel inspired with bursts of motivation, we take brave action to put the 20% of external, material effort into motion. Most of us tend to have this ratio backwards. This practice asks us to connect with the yin energy as opposed to yang.
"If you let go a little you will have a little peace; if you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace; if you let go completely you will have complete peace."
~ Ajahn Chah
We can trust and believe that we will always receive what we are in alignment with and when love is your north star - when discomfort of staying the same becomes more unbearable than the fear of change - when you allow yourself to flow with the guidance and intelligence of the universe - the real magic happens. This is where true peace becomes available to us. This is when we become deeply aware of the truth that none of us have any real control over anything anyways and our false perception that we do only causes distress to our nervous system when things don't go "our way."
Relax into what is. Dance in the glory of the unseen that is all on its way - everything is exactly as it should be. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, to learn and grow from exactly what is meant for you. Trust the divine process. There is no work to be done. The only job we ever have is getting in alignment with our highest most authentic self. When we create the deep connection, love, trust and security with ourselves, we have access to a peace and contentment that could only ever come from within.
Choosing to stay in the present moment, relax and not allow the stories of the past or the dreams of the future distract us, we can more easily notice the breadcrumbs of synchronicities and coincidences that are being left to guide us.
One of my favorite Rumi quotes is "As you start to walk on the way, the way appears." It implies that when we are practicing this way of being, we can't always see the paved path ahead and will only see the next right step as each becomes available to us. When we over plan or strategize how we wish things to unfold, we may over commit ourselves to a path that could distract or delay us from the journey that hasn't yet presented itself. So, for now, let's relax, take a deep breath and see what it feels like to simply allow.
What if we practiced allowing and surrender fully and completely for just one day, or if you are feeling adventurous, one week?
What if every conversation, action, or situation that presented itself in our lives, was answered with a "yes, and then"?
What if, just for a day or a week, we stopped trying to make our minds up about something?
What if, just for a day or a week, we stopped making decisions of "this or that" and just allowed everything to unfold without intervention?
What if, for a day or a week, we fully spoke our truth and allowed our truth to be our guiding light, and watched how the world reacts?
Remember, no one needs to understand your unique process or journey. It doesn't need to "make sense". Our work is to surrender, and release resistance to what our thoughts and desires have already begun attracting towards us. When we believe and trust in this process, situations presented, no matter how positive or negative we perceive it to be, can be approached with curiosity and trust, knowing that the experience is being gifted to us for growth and expansion needed so we are ready to receive the manifested version of our deepest desires.
I invite you to relax into the flow and let life take you on a journey. We will be in awe of what unfolds before us. It will never look the way we expect but it is always perfect exactly as it is.
All the love,